PCA Outlines Decarbonization Plans

The Portland Cement Association (PCA) demonstrated the industry’s commitment to carbon neutrality to key executive branch decision-makers at the White House’s Concrete Innovation Summit – as well as outlined what steps must be taken to further reduce cement sector emissions.

The association joined six member companies to show how the U.S. cement industry is leading the way in deploying carbon capture, introducing lower-carbon products, and using new fuels that not only reduce cement plant emissions but also offset emissions elsewhere – such as using old tires and household waste that would otherwise emit harmful gases at landfills.

“Industries across America are working to decarbonize their processes, and the U.S. cement industry has emerged as a national leader in leveraging technology to make the deep decarbonization cuts we all need for a sustainable future,” said Sean O’Neill, PCA’s senior vice president of government affairs. “There are no more off years in the race to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Every year is critical, and the cement industry is leading the way in deploying innovative technologies to get there – from carbon capture to cleaner alternative fuels.”

The cement industry is guided by PCA’s Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality, which provides a pathway for the entire cement-concrete-construction value chain to go carbon neutral by 2050.

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